Mango Nutrition Facts – Delicious Tropical Fruit
Mango, one of the most delicious tropical fruits has more to its credit than its juicy contents and luscious taste; it comes with a host of nutrients and holds great nutritional value. Mango nutrition facts are as follows: Mangoes contain about 20 different vitamins and minerals, making them one of the most nutritive of fruits. Mango nutrition is high in calories and carbohydrates. It is a rich source of minerals such as copper, potassium and iron. It also contains traces of minerals such as magnesium, manganese, selenium, calcium, zinc and phosphorous. Mango nutrition is also an excellent source of various

Mango Nutrition Facts: Sweet Super Tropical Fruit
A mango is definitely one of the most succulent and great-tasting fruit with a tropical vibe. Mangoes are abundant in Southeast Asia and have been around as a food source for over 6,000 years. Unripe mangoes taste sour and contain starch. When a mango turns sunny yellow and ripens, it tastes so sweet and delicious. Mangoes are very nutritious and good for those people who watch their diet. An average-sized mango contains up to 40% of your daily fiber requirement as well as enzymes which has good stomach soothing properties. It is also rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants which

What do the Food Label means and how they can help Grocery Shopping
When you do your grocery shopping, you will notice theblack and white portion in most of your food packagingwith words such as serving size, calories, fat, cholesterol, protein, vitamins, minerals, etc. This is called the Nutrition Facts on the food labels. Some of us do not even bother to read this portion. As long as we love to eat that food or want to try something new, these nutrition facts do not mean a thing to most of our grocery shoppers. In previous years, reading food labels is just one mere habit of figure-conscious individuals who want to be healthy

The Double Tragedy Syndrome
There are innumerable parameters on the basis of which our mother Earth can be bifurcated, but these silent wanderers of Starvation and Obesity seem to have ‘No dead end’. The unremitting presence of Starvation and correspondingly rampant Obesity are a clear indication of our complacent attitude towards these “Lifestyle Disorders”, which claim to kill more people worldwide as compared to terrorism, a statistics significantly proclaimed at the Oxford Health Alliance Summit. Starvation, the very word which brings in pictures of hollow ribs, hungry faces, and scrawny bodies is by and large the single gravest threat to world’s public health, according

Soymilk: Your Heart’s Best Friend
Soymilk is a very much overlooked health food. The nutrition value of soymilk is so great that people are actually advised to take them on a daily basis. In fact, soymilk is the best food for the heart. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration says that 25 grams worth of soy protein everyday can reduce the risks of heart disease in a person. To maintain a healthy heart, it is important for one to watch their cholesterol level. And this is exactly what soy milk does. It helps you in your fight against cardiovascular diseases, especially when matched with the

Daily Nutrition Target: 5 Portions of Fruit and Veggies
If everyone only eats five portions of fruits and vegetables everyday, chronic diseases, heart problems and cancers are not likely to develop. Eating healthy foods is always the key to longevity and overall wellness. However, fruits and vegetables are the most neglected food items these days. Everybody, most especially the senior citizens, would greatly be helped by the five-a-day fruit and veggies meal diet plan. To achieve this, a portion or two of fruits or vegetables in every mealtime is necessary. And then add another portion for snacks to complete the quota. Fruits are always the healthier snack option. It

Spices and Nutrition Go Together
Spices are almost a necessity in cooking. But now, they are used not only to add flavor, but to keep the body healthy as well. Certain spices contain nutritive properties that when consumed, could affect the body positively. Here are good examples: 1. Cinnamon Cinnamon can reduce blood sugar levels. If you’re diabetic, be sure to add it to your meals. A quarter of a teaspoon should do you good. Cinnamon can also reduce your body’s cholesterol count. So the next you make apple pies, add a little more cinnamon to it. 2. Ginger The addition of ginger to food

Omega-3 in Infant’s Milk
Recent studies by nutrition experts revealed the importance of Omega-3 in an infant’s growth. Omega-3 is found in fish oils and contains high contents of DHA and EPA – nutrients necessary in the baby’s development stages. However, adding fish oils into milk is not actually feasible until fish oil powder was developed. Fish oil powder can now be added into milks that are especially created for infants, including expecting and lactating mothers. The powder is tasteless and odorless so it won’t affect the properties of the milk itself. But it boosts its nutritional value just the same, which is very

8 Easy Ways to Prevent Cancer
The experts at the World Cancer Research Fund declared that cancer is a highly preventable disease all along. The battle against cancer is always a well-fought one, with more people being aware of this disease and others who are reaching out to help. To prevent cancer, follow this eight-step nutrition program as prepared by the WCRF: 1. Eliminate body fat. Regularly measure your body fat index to be sure you’re within the healthy zone. Overweight individuals are more prone to developing a host of diseases, including cancer. 2. Perform regular physical activities. Being physically active can help your body fight

Pellagra is a vitamin deficiency disease caused by dietary lack of protein and niacin (B3), and those proteins that contain the essential amino acid – tryptophan.